Welcome to Proactive Breast Wellness™

A comprehensive program to reduce your risk of breast cancer or its reoccurrence. Learn how to “freeze” and cure your cancer with cryoablation.

The PBW Program Provides...

Available in 3 different formats


Perfect for reading a smartphone, tablet, Kindle Reader, or Nook.

  • A free resource download of over 1,000 pages of medical information
  • Free download of Waves of Serenity, a 45-minute mp3 audio program of progressive muscle relaxation and guided beach imagery

Soft Cover Book

For those who prefer reading a traditional book. Take it with you anywhere!

  • An autographed copy
  • A free resource download of over 1,000 pages of medical information
  • Free download of Waves of Serenity, a 45-minute mp3 audio program of progressive muscle relaxation and guided beach imagery

CD Boxed Set

If you prefer having a physical copy of the PBW Program, this is the solution for you.

  • Narrated by Ingrid Edstrom, this boxed set contains 4 audio CDs with four hours and fifty-five minutes of narrative
  • Comes with either a CD or DVD of the Waves of Serenity relaxation/guided imagery
  • A resource disc of over 1,000 pages of medical information

Front and Back Cover

Experience the PBW Program For Yourself

Proactive Breast Wellness™

Listen to Ingrid Edstrom, FNP, M.Ed. introduce the Proactive Breast Wellness Program where she explains the benefits of the program and what it includes.

Listen now to our free introduction to the program. The text version of the introduction is available here.

Waves of Serenity

Are you stressed? Take your own little vacation with us…… Listen Now | Learn More

“I tried your Waves of Serenity CD for the first time this morning and it was Great! Just left a little graffiti in the sand…. ‘I was there.’ Of course, it washed away, so I will have to revisit the beach tomorrow. It was truly relaxing and I felt much calmer afterwards.” -Veronica T

“The book also provides an excellent discussion of cryoablation or tumor freezing as a minimally-invasive alternative to surgery for the treatment of breast cancer. In the context of Patient Centered Care, Protect Your Breasts is a worthy read!”
Dennis R. Holmes, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Breast Surgeon and Researcher Cryoablation Expert and Advocate
"A Tour de Force of valuable information! We have no guides for breast health - only a confusion maze of bits and pieces of information. This PBW program is the road to sanity and health."
Dr. Max Chorowski, MD, FACOG
Assistant Clinical Professor of OB-GYN, Tufts University School of Medicine
"The Proactive Breast Wellness Program is her magnus opus and a labor of love. PBW is Amazing!"
Carol Petersen, RPh, CNP
Women's International Pharmacy