
Your Donations Change and Save Lives


PBW Product PhotosThe Breast Wellness Education Fund is operated through a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

When you give to the “Breast Wellness Education Fund” established by Healing Matrix, and in collaboration with the Proactive Breast Wellness program, you join a circle of hope and empower women to reduce their risk of breast cancer or its reoccurrence.

The women that have been waiting to learn “What they can DO” to lessen their breast cancer risk… thank you for your donation!

Your donations enable us to provide more educational programs and community outreach through nutritional therapists and nurse breast education specialists. Your donations will also help to provide the comprehensive “Proactive Breast Wellness Program” in 6 CD boxed sets and to increase our gifting to under-served medical clinics, public libraries, Native American Tribal Council medical clinics and senior centers plus programming and literature to be given out to women’s groups and at health fairs.

woman-in-head-scarfThe funding from donations to the “Breast Wellness Education Fund” will also enable the PBW staff to expand their outreach to other Sister Organizations/ Non Profits. PBW wishes to become a sponsor of other Sister Organizations that have an interest in breast cancer, survivorship, women’s health education, integrated medicine, organic food and healthy living.

PBW wishes to help fund-raise for these other organizations by offering a 15% donation to these Sister Non-Profits that have a large email membership following, when their members purchase PBW Digital Downloads. The “Breast Wellness Education Fund” provides the funding necessary to expand community outreach. This is the gift that keeps on giving by reaching more women and donating back to organizations that help other women and families the second time around!

THANK YOU ! Your donations change lives, improve the health of your families and communities and help to “Protect Your Breasts” or the women you love !

Donate Now

Your tax-deductible donations support the work of The Breast Wellness Education Fund.

You can make a $60 donation and have the Proactive Breast Wellness 6 CD boxed set donated to a community group in your local area with a gift card telling the community library/church library/senior center, etc. of your generous donation to improve the health of women and families in your community.

Please Note:We cannot deliver to international addresses.

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