Take Action for Breast Cancer Prevention
A TAKE ACTION section to connect you with other organizations to promote awareness of breast cancer symptoms, breast cancer prevention and breast health through sound public and environmental policy.

We have created the TAKE ACTION section so that you may visit other websites of organizations that are also trying to help educate or are trying to make a difference in awareness of breast cancer symptoms, breast cancer prevention or general personal or environmental health. Many of these sister organizations have a similar mission aligned with what the Proactive Breast Wellness program is proposing in regards to protecting the public’s health and making environmental changes that affect all of us. Many of these other organizations would be delighted to have you join their email lists and have you support their efforts. If you feel that you would like to have changes made through public opinion or through legislation our “Take Action” section will start you on a path of discovery.
I encourage you to VOTE in your elections when ballot measures come up that will affect your health. Encourage your members in the Senate and Congress to protect the environment and your food supply. Do you want to know what is in your food like most of the rest of the industrialized world? The United States and Canada are the only ones with a non labeling policy. Get “JUST LABEL IT” passed on a County basis and talk to your local food stores so you can see what you are feeding your families. Several of Eugene Oregon’s local progressive food stores have voluntarily begun to put “Blue and Green Dots” on the product tags. The dots indicate “GMO Free and Gluten Free”. You can start getting this done in your communities. Check out our pages on GMOs. View the Genetic Roulette video clip below; it will literally change and save you life.
Maybe you can start having local conventional farmers transition over to organic farming practices and get a number of your neighbors to start supporting them through CSAs Organize a small buyers food coop that can buy organic bulk items. Get to know where your food comes from and who grows it. We have “Meet Your Farmer” potluck events twice a year and several hundred people show up to eat organic fare and see who is raising what for the next season and watch slide shows of the farms and what they produce. Go on local organic farm tours and take your kids. You and your children could start your own small back yard garden or find a local community garden in your area. Save and swap organic seeds. Join a permaculture group. There is a lot you can start to do on a small scale that will make a difference.
When you purchase the Proactive Breast Wellness program there is a Free Resource Download or Data Disc that is quite extensive and goes along with the nine chapters. It will include valuable information about breast cancer symptoms, more websites, research papers, product sources etc for you to explore in more detail. Education is power and the more you learn about your environment and food supply the more effective you will be in maintaining or improving your health or to protect the health of your whole family.
The following is the short version of the Sister Organization lists and we will be adding to the list. We welcome inquiries from Sister Organizations to network with us. We look forward to hearing from you!
We proudly support the work of the National Association
of Nutritional Professionals and their 2014 Conference, “Transforming Health through Holistic Nutrition.”
Nutritional Oncology Research Institute (NORI)
and their new site AntibioticWatchdog.com with information on the link between antibiotics and cancer
Moms Across America
Breast Cancer Sister Organizations
Breast Cancer Action –www.bcaction.org

Breast Cancer News- https://breastcancer-news.com
Breast Cancer News announces~Minimally Invasive Breast Cancer Cryotherapy Largely Ignored in U.S., Says Advocate and 13-Year Survivor
March 30, 2016
Please click here to read the whole article on Cryoablation for breast cancers by Laura Ross Paul.
Website: http://keepingthem.com/
Facebook Page: They’re Mine and I’m Keeping Them
They’re Mine and I’m Keeping Them is a story of innovation, courage, and triumph. Laura Ross-Paul wanted to keep her breast after being diagnosed with breast cancer and facing a mastectomy as her only medical option. This is the story of how she and her husband bucked the system, found Dr. Peter Littrup, a doctor with advanced skill in the field of tumor freezing, who performed cryo-ablation, and ultimately saved her breast. The success of their collaboration makes breast conservation a realistic outcome of breast cancer treatment. An unexpected, but welcome result, of the cryo-ablation treatment, was the “immune effect.” The body’s immune system is able to recognize the protein structure of the cancer cells when it cleans out the dead tissue and in about half the cases of cryo-ablation, naturally creates an immunity to the cancer. The book also relates the success at FUDA Hospital in Guangzhou, China in treating a variety of Stage 4 cancers by combining cryo-ablation and advanced immune system therapies, which increase the frequency of the occurrence of the natural immune effect to approximately eighty percent or higher of the cases.
Laura Ross-Paul and Ingrid Edstrom, FNP, M.Ed. of Proactive Breast Wellness and Infrared Breast Health are attempting to bring cryoablation to the Pacific Northwest in a clinical trial with a radiologist and a breast surgeon. They hope to utilize infrared imaging pre and post cryoablation. Please contact Ingrid at InfraredBreastHealth@gmail.com or call her office to learn more 541-302-2977 PST.
GMOs and the Dangers to your Health
Link for 10 minutes Genetic Roulette Remix Video
Watch the informative documentary, “Genetic Roulette”: http://geneticroulettemovie.com/
GMO Free USA – gmofreeusa.org
Learn more about GMOs:
This information is brought to you by Oregonians for Farm & Food Rights. To learn more, visit: www.FarmAndFoodRights.org
To learn how to make Non-GMO food choices:
The Non-GMO Project: www.nongmoproject.org/
The Non-GMO Shopping Guide: www.nongmoshoppingguide.com/
To learn More In-Depth Information About GMOs:
Visit the Institute for Responsible Technology: http://responsibletechnology.org/
Visit Earth Open Source and download their paper “GMO Myths & Truths: http://earthopensource.org/
Watch the 6.5 minute video “GMO Myths & Truths”
Download the paper “GMO Myths & Truths“
Read the GM Watch research paper “GM Crops – Just the Science”: http://www.gmwatch.eu/gm-crops-research-documenting-the-limitations-risks-and-alternatives
Watch the award-winning documentary “The Future of Food”: http://www.thefutureoffood.com/
Watch the 1.5 minute video “One Mom’s Story:”
To learn more about the economic and social damage caused by GMOs:
Impacts of Genetically Engineered Crops on Pesticide Use in the United States: The First Thirteen Years
The GMO Emperor has No Clothes: A Global Citizens Report on the State of GMOs
The Union of Concerned Scientists 2009 GMO research paper “Failure to Yield”
Watch the award-winning documentary, “Bitter Seeds”:
To contact food companies for more information about their products, and to ask them to become a part of the Non-GMO Project:
Food Manufacturer List: http://nutritionwonderland.com/2009/02/organic-corporate-hierarchy/
Herbicides and Pesticides- Learn What You Can Do
Beyond Pesticides
Pesticide Action Network North America –
What’s On My Food?
Links pesticide food residue data with the toxicology data for each chemical
This recent article makes toxic connections occurring in the real world,
Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides (NCAP)
Organic Foods and Healthy Eating Organizations
The Cornucopia Institute –
Environmental Working Group
Speciality Organizations: Who are trying to protect your health
Vitamin D Council –
WomensInternational.com : For bio-identical hormones and information and finding a provider.
CosmeticDatabase.com : Rates your cosmetic and personal care products for cancer risk and hazards.
Environmental Working Group’s Consumer Guide to Seafood to learn which are lowest in mercury and richest in omega-3’s.
PureWaterSystems.com : Water purification systems.
MultiPure.com : Solid carbon water filter systems.
MadAboutOrganics.com : Safe, Natural and Effective Animal Care products